[ARCHIVE] FanWorks NaruSasu Day 2013

Oktober 22, 2013 0

F a n F i c t i o n s 

Another Autumn, oleh Artemisaish
Teenagers | Romance
Satu musim lagi bersamamu, dan untuk selamanya. Sasuke-centric. 
FanFiction.Net | Shrine

Potion, oleh Akina Usagi
Teenagers | Romance/Fantasy
Sasuke mungkin lebih tidak memiliki kesabaran yang cukup dan juga tingkat kecerobohan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan anggota keluarga Uchiha lainnya, tapi kalau dua hal itu bermuara pada kecelakaan semacam ini, Naruto yakin ia tidak akan keberatan sama sekali.

Pulang, oleh ceruleanday
Teenagers | Romance
Sejauh apapun jasmani dirinya dan Sasuke terpisah, raga masing-masing akan saling memanggil. Itulah bukti dari 'ikatan' yang terjalin di antara keduanya. "Selamat datang kembali, dobe." tutur Sasuke. Pemuda Uzumaki itu tersenyum lega, "ya. Aku pulang, Sasuke. Aku pulang."
FanFiction.Net | Shrine

The Fool's Fool, oleh Kyou Kionkitchee
Teenagers | Crime/Drama 
Konoha 2099, kota mati yang didiami banyak kelompok pendosa. Sasuke, loner fighter yang terkejam dan terpintar, berlaku bagai raja tiran. Naruto, mantan ketua salah satu kelompok yang ada di sana, memutuskan untuk memiliki Sasuke apapun caranya. 
FaceBook Note | Shrine

F a n A r t s 

oleh Frau Fraude

oleh Shary Darmawulan




Thank you for attending.
All Hail SasuNaru, Long Live NaruSasu!

Artwork for Wedding Gallery Wall

Oktober 09, 2013 0

These are just a couple of very quick little projects I did with the intention of using them as part of a wedding "gallery wall" I'm planning on creating when we finally get into our new house. Our wedding day was amazing, and we have some really wonderful, personal photos that were taken by our friends that I think need to be displayed in a special way. So, to create something a bit different than your usual "posed wedding photo in a frame on the mantelpiece" I have been gathering together some small craft projects to complement the professional photos we have had done in acrylic and on canvas, and the candid shots I plan on putting in funky frames. I don't want the wall to be all photos, so to break it up a bit I came up with these little canvases....

This is a quote from sonnet 116, which we had as a reading at our wedding.

And this is pretty self explanatory :)

I buy canvases from the euro store for €1.50/€2.00 each. I found these stickers in guineys for €1.50 per pack, 2 packs didn't quite do both canvases, so as you can see in the photo above, I had some gaps. I just painted the top half, removed the letters I needed and re-used them on the bottom half.

So after I laid out the letters I painted over them with a sample pot of colortrend paint I had. Most of the pics and art I'm going to use for the wall are black/white/grey. Once I had painted over the whole canvas I got a tweezers and peeled off the stickers (which I will save, cos I'm that cheap!)

The "happily ever after" is just stickers on canvas, simple! And if I ever want to change it I can just peel off the stickers and do something else.

And this is how they turned out, I'm quite happy with them :)
 A quick and easy little project but I think they'll look great up on the wall amongst our photos.


Quote Cushions

Oktober 09, 2013 0

I have been bitten by the typographical bug! All of a sudden I am aware of all the wonderful quote that I love and it would seem that I am on a mission to have as many of them in my house as possible! To that end, after finding these small cushions in B&Q for just €2.95 each (they have them in lots of colours) I decided to attempt some fabric-art. So I went to Silkes on Catherine St and found this textile marker for €1.95....

It did the job admirably.I did both cushions with it and I'm sure I'll get a couple more out of it, it shows no signs of running out thus far :) It did come in other colors but just primary shades.

I first tried out a "once upon a time" design for Em's room. I just went freehand with it, and I'm quite happy with it, but if I'd just had a bit of patience and measured out where the letters should go then that "a" wouldn't be wonky...grrr.....

I then decided I'd try a Yeats quote for a cushion for our bed (I'm aware it's not "for" but "because" in the poem, it wouldn't fit!). I'm not as happy with this one, it's pretty wonky. I really want a set of alphabet stamps but thus far I've been too cheap to buy some online, but given the amount of these type of projects I've been doing over the last couple of weeks I reckon I'll just have to bite the bullet and order a set.

Here they are again, in all their wonky glory!

Duckegg Blue Painted Dresser

September 11, 2013 0
I realised something recently, and it's one of those things that, once you notice it you just can't un-notice it(that bachelor's degree in English obviously did me a lot of good!). 

What I realised is this....I moved out of home eleven years ago, and since then I have lived in three different apartments, none of which were decorated in anything like my style and none of which could be altered, and I am TIRED of it! 

The sooner we get into our own house the better. I never again want to see a beige curtain or a black pleather couch! (Seriously, is there a shop somewhere in Ireland that caters exclusively for landlords and stocks nothing but white paint and black leatherette furniture??)

Now, possibly due to some sort of self-preservation impulse this had never really bothered me before, but when we started seriously looking at houses I started thinking about how I would decorate said house when it was mine, and this in turn led me to realise just how bland my current abode is and made me itch to do something about it. However, we aren't allowed to paint or anything, plus I knew we would be moving in the near future, so any changes would have to be through the things we owned that would come with us when that happened.

This all led me to........MY FIRST ATTEMPT AT PAINTING FURNITURE!!! (dun dun duuuuuunnnn).

Terrible photo, and yes, those are flowers painted on it, lovely.

We had this little dresser in our bedroom that I bought in Heirlooms when we first moved in here. I picked it out because it was wood, it was in budget and it was small enough to move easily, its aesthetic qualities didn't really come in to it (I know, I can't understand it now either, all I can say is I was young and hadn't found my style feet yet.....that's also how I explain the nose ring and pink highlights coincidentally!). 

So I decided to paint it, and planned to ad some new bedding and artwork after in order to dress up our bedroom a little bit.

My tools, on top of another little project.

This is the paint I used, it's colortrend, I got it in Daly's on William St and it was €10.95 for 500ml, which was enough to do the dresser, the blanket box you can see in the last pic, and several other small projects.

I used sandpaper, a mini roller kit, a paintbrush, some turquoise colortrend paint, some gold acrylic paint and some spray polyurethane ( I wanted a tin of polycrylic, like all the bloggers I like seem to us, but Woodies and Homebase looked at me like I was speaking Japanese when I asked for it!).

I took the drawers out, gave the whole thing a quick rub with sandpaper and a good wipe down, then just slapped two coats of the paint on it. Then I went back and painted the knobs and the accents on the doors and drawers in gold acrylic paint. I only did one coat of this and you can see the blue paint underneath to a certain extent, but I like the effect it gives. 

Then after it had dried I sprayed the whole thing with a coat of polyeuethane to protect it (it's my dressing table so it gets a lot of abuse from makeup and curling tongs) and that was it!

Ta-dah!....I would appreciate it if you could pretend that you can't see that mess in the background, thanks.

The colour is a little bit greener looking than I had thought it would be, possibly because it was originally a cream colour? I would have liked it to be a more vibrant turquoise, but overall I'm happy with it, and it's a vast improvement on what it was!

What do you think?


Button Letter Art

September 02, 2013 0
Pinterest has opened up a whole new world to me. I can't believe it now, but just a few months ago the idea that you could decorate your home using items that you had made or updated yourself just hadn't occurred to me (I know right?!). So, once the veil was lifted I found myself itching to...paint....glue....decoupage.....anything! And I did.......a lot (my husband was alarmed at the regularity with which I arrived home with new and unusual "supplies", he even had the nerve to laugh at my glue gun).

One of the projects I really wanted to try first was some button letter art like those I had seen and loved on ETSY. I decided to do one for Em's room, thinking it would look great in the gallery wall I had planned for the blank wall above her dresser.

Here's what I ended up with.......

It was really easy. I bought a bag of mixed buttons from silkes for €4.95 (and I'll get at least 6 more of these out of that one bag, so everyone I know who has kids, act surprised when I give you one alright?), a piece of nice A4 paper for .90c, and the frame was on sale in tesco for €6 (I may or may not have bought 10 of them!), and it's what I'd call a deep one, that is, it has space between the back and the glass, so you can put something 3D in it.

All I did then was choose one of the artworks I liked best on pinterest and copy it! I laid out the buttons first, mixing up the colours and sizes until I came up with a layout that I liked, and then I pulled out my new favourite thing....the GLUE GUN! :D....and started gluing. I did the top and bottom lines first to make sure it didn't go wonky on me, and when I was done I went back and added a few larger buttons over the top to make it really stand out.

Then I simply used pritt stick to glue the frame mat/border thingy to my paper and framed it, done! Cost me a grand total of about €9 and took me less than an hour :)

I Blame Pinterest.....

I Blame Pinterest.....

September 02, 2013 0
So, my husband caught me taking photos of some of my craft projects recently and remarked that "this is starting to look suspiciously like you're starting a blog". A month, 4 projects and way too many hours spent reading other peoples blogs later and here I am!

Up until about 2 months ago I had never been on pinterest, neither was I aware that there was such a thing as a craft/DIY blog or that I was soon to become hopelessly addicted to them, but I'm so glad that my eyes have been opened and now, good idea or not I'm going to start documenting some of my own attempts at home-beautification!

So, here goes.......

[ARCHIVE] FanWorks SasuNaru Day 2013

Juli 09, 2013 0

F a n F i c t i o n s 

5 Centimeters per Second, oleh Kyuuto Karen 
Teenagers | Romance/Drama
Apakah perasaan ini bisa dibilang wajar? Bagaimana kalau aku sungguh mencintaimu? Apa aku harus benar-benar pergi menjauh? Atau memperjuangkan hak untuk jatuh cinta?

A Missing Piece, oleh Natacchi 
Teenagers | Hurt/Comfort/Angst
"Tak apa-apa. Satu kematian tak akan mengubah dunia, Teme." / "...Idiot." / "Hmph. Aku juga mencintaimu, Teme. Sangat mencintaimu."
FanFiction.Net | Shrine

Angin Malam, oleh bromery
Teenagers | Romance/Friendship
Lalu mereka beranjak pulang, bertemankan dengan angin malam yang berhembus.  

Another Universe, oleh Pearl Jeevas 
Teenagers | Hurt/Comfort/Drama
Because you could have loved me forever. And maybe in another universe, I let you. Ketika Sasuke terbangun ia selalu menjadi orang yang berbeda. Namun tak peduli kehidupan manapun yang ia jalani, Sasuke selalu bertemu dengan Naruto.
FanFiction.Net | Shrine

Amazing Love, oleh blackchocolee
Teenagers | Romance
Sebuah fict teramat singkat untuk memeriahkan SasuNaru Day #5th A SasuNaru fiction, of course.

Amoure, oleh kearuff
Teenagers | Romance
Pada akhirnya, yang seperti ini, tidak apa-apa.

Behind The Scene: Melamar Sasuke, oleh Sui Cide In Stinct
Teenagers | Parody/Romance
Karena melamar Sasuke tidak sesederhana kalimat, "Hey, Sasuke. Maukah kau menikah denganku?"

Détaché, oleh shouga
Teenagers | Romance
Drabble collection (shuffle challenge). 

From Me To You, oleh kinana
Teenagers | Romance
Drabble collection. 

Have You Ever, oleh denayaira
Mature Children | Romance
"Nee, Sasuke. Apa kau pernah... mencium seorang gadis sebelumnya?"  
FanFiction.Net | Shrine

His Questions, oleh Shinku Tsuu-ki
Teenagers | Friendship
"Dobe?"/"Ya?"/"Tadi pagi aku dengar gosip dari Sakura dan Ino..."/"Sejak kapan kau suka mendengarkan orang lain bergosip ria, Sas?"/Bukannya menjawab pertanyaan si Bungsu Uzumaki, sosok berambut hitam kelam itu malah bertanya balik—menanyakan sesuatu yang membuat Naruto nyaris mati di usia muda karena tersedak kuah ramen: "Kau suka padaku?"

I See You, oleh Kyou Kionkitchee
Teenagers | Poetry/Supernatural
"Aku melihatmu... dan menunggu." 
FaceBook Note | Shrine

Memories, oleh Ran Hime
Teenagers | Hurt/Comfort/Family 
Dia rivalku. Dia sahabatku. Dia kekasihku. Dia juga saudaraku. Ya … dia juga saudaraku setelah ayah melamar ibunya di depan kami berdua. Saat itulah, aku dapat melihat hatinya menangis. Hanya sebuah kenangan dari Diary Orange.

Our Special Day, Let’s End it With a Kiss, oleh autumn.aoki
Teenagers | Romance
“We must celebrate our special day with something’s precious, right? So, how about kiss?"

Possessiveness, oleh ceruleanday
Teenagers | Angst/Crime
"...bunyi tembakan terdengar tiga kali. Tali penghubung sekoci dengan kapal tangker terputus. Lalu, Ayahmu tersenyum dan berujar agar Ayahku bersedia menjaga satu-satunya putra yang dimilikinya, yaitu kau. Kemudian, ada ledakan besar. Tak ada yang tersisa dari abu—" 
FanFiction.Net | Shrine

Relationship, oleh Veela Most
Teenagers | Romance
Dikejutkan dengan akun Facebook-yang kata Kiba-milik Naruto dengan status relationship berpacaran dengan wanita yang bahkan Sasuke tidak mengenalnya. Padahal 'kan Naruto pacarnya.

Sun for Night, oleh Nick Say F*ckerSh*t For Kagari 
Teenagers | Romance
Malam tidak pernah bertemu dengan siang, sama halnya dengan bulan yang bermimpi menjadi matahari.

Tanah Para Yatim Piatu, oleh Patto-san
Mature Children | Friendship/Hurt/Comfort
Atas nama persahabatan, Sasuke melakukan apa yang ingin dilakukan oleh Naruto. Cerita tentang sepasang anak yatim piatu dari Konoha. 
FanFiction.Net | Shrine

The Bartender, oleh UraHime Hikaru 
Teenagers | Romance/Drama
Kehilangan sahabat sekaligus orang yang sangat dicintainya membuat Sasuke menjadi terobsesi pada pekerjaannya. Suatu malam dia mabuk dan menyatakan cinta pada sang bartender! Siapa sangka, mungkin ini adalah takdir Uchiha Sasuke... 

The Jitters, oleh devilojoshi
Mature | Mystery/Romance
Sasuke dan Naruto, tahanan internasional jepang. Ditahan di sebuah penjara di pulau dengan hutan rimba yang penuh mistery mengelilinginya. Berhasilkah mereka keluar dari pulau itu bersama-sama, disaat cinta dan ketakutan mereka di pertemukan?/"Kendalikan pikiranmu!"/"Kau melihat ketakutan terbesarmu..."

The Train Station, oleh Frau Freude
Teenagers | Romance/Western
Kita bertemu di stasiun tak bernama yang menghubungkan Baltimore-Ohio. Kita bertemu di awal musim gugur dengan angin dingin menyelimuti kita, dengan jarak delapan jengkal di kursi peron aku selalu memperhatikanmu, jadi tolong lihatlah aku sebelum jarak delapan jengkal ini berubah menjadi 430 mil. Hei, kau bocah blonde bermata biru besar, siapa namamu?

Twitch, oleh Akina Usagi
Teenagers | Romance
"Kau terlalu jujur. Sebagai seorang aktor, kau terlalu jujur, Dobe." 

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?, oleh Mikazuki Aozora 
Teenagers | Romance/Parody 
Kenapa ayam menyeberang jalan? Absurd, Naruto benar-benar tidak tahu jawaban atas pertanyaan itu. Bahkan ia rela seharian berkeliling ke seluruh Konoha untuk mencari tahu jawabannya. Apa jadinya jika ia menanyakannya pada Sasuke? Kira-kira jawaban apakah yang akan terlontar dari mulut si ayam? Eh? ayam? Sasuke atau ayam? 
FanFiction.Net | Shrine

SasuNaru Day fanfic, oleh Risda Ryuzaki Namikaze
Teenagers | Romance
FaceBook Note

F a n A r t s 

oleh Mikazuki Aozora

oleh Syafrina Rahma Desyola

G r a p h i c s 

oleh denayaira

oleh Natacchi

F a n Vd e o